The Framework of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), established following the Millennium Summit of the UN in 2000, has since helped to galvanize development efforts and guide global and national development priorities. However, with 2015 being the overall target date for achieving the MDGs, the focus in the global community, including the Arab region, is now on advancing the global development agenda beyond 2015 and following up on the implementation of Rio+ 20 outcomes, including the definition of a single and universal set of sustainable development goals (SDGs).The Post-2015 Development Agenda will therefore build on the progress achieved through the MDGs while at the same time, addressing persistent issues and new challenges facing people and the planet. It promises a historical opportunity to shift to an integrated approach.

The UAE government too, is focused on ensuring sustainable development while preserving the environment and achieving a perfect balance between economic and social development. Accordingly, the UAE Vision 2021 National Agenda focuses on improving the quality of air, preserving water resources, increasing the contribution of clean energy and implementing green growth plans. As the Rio +20 Declaration on Environment and Development states, “In order to achieve sustainable development, environmental protection shall constitute an integral part of the development process and cannot be considered in isolation from it.”

With governments across the world and even the general public becoming more keenly aware of the critical issues arising from the man’s use of his environment, it is evident that proper environmental management is vital. By understanding the complex interactions between development and environment, governments and organisations are now seeking to achieve sustainability in all human activities.



Research areas Include, but are not exclusive to: 

  • Well Buildings & Smart Living Technologies
  • Innovative sustainable practices
  • Wastewater management
  • Air pollution
  • Environmental quality
  • Climate change
  • Sustainability of resources
  • Fresh water, seas and oceans
  • Environmental economics
  • Environmental governance
  • Renewable Energy


Key Benefits

The International Journal of Excellence in Environmental Management reflects the contribution that a scholarly journal can make to enhance excellence in the areas of environmental management and consequently sustainable development. The journal seeks to meet the needs of a wide but sophisticated audience comprising a cross-section of scholars, academics, practitioners, public policymakers, media organizations and multilateral organizations anywhere in the world.




Key Journal Audiences

  • University and College Professors
  • Environmental Practitioners
  • Environmental Organizations
  • Media Organizations
  • Government Policymakers
  • Professional Consultants
  • Multilateral Organizations ( World Bank, WHO, UN Agencies)
  • Individuals Interested in Environment and Sustainable Development