Editor in Chief

Dr. Julie Furst-Bowe


Dr. AbdarRahman Al-Mekhlafi

Journal Information

Language: English
Frequency: 2 issues/year
ISSN: 3005-6055

call of papers

About the Journal

A challenge for the 21st century universities worldwide is to educate professionals who have knowledge and skills in sustainable development.The journal aims at providing the right platform for encouraging research, development and practices of smart learning, alongside understanding, managing and complying with the quality issues related to it... Read More

The International Journal of Excellence in Smart Learning is a refereed journal published by Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University and is published twice a year.  The journal is designed to be a platform for understanding issues concerning quality in Education, besides updating oneself about global thoughts and practices regarding excellence in education. The Journal aspires to facilitate the desired changes and re-alignments in education systems to ensure effective delivery of learning opportunities at all levels.



Vol 1 No 1 (2024): International Journal of Excellence in Smart Learning (IJESL)

Editorial Introduction
In the era of generative AI and Smart transformative education, we are delighted to present the inaugural issue of the International Journal of Excellence in Smart Learning (IJESL). The journal is a cutting-edge publication investigating the transformative potential of learning in the digital age. Published biannually by Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University, IJESL is dedicated and designed to be a platform for understanding issues concerning quality in education, besides updating oneself about global thoughts and practices regarding excellence in education. IJESL's goal is to be an example of excellence as we go through these exciting times, pointing the way toward a time when education will foster personal development and drive global transformation.
The three manuscripts in this inaugural issue reflect modern education's rich and multifaceted opportunities and difficulties. They reflect a dedication to bringing significant intellectually and practically stimulating change in educational systems.
The first manuscript, "Evaluating the Reality of the Role of E-Education (Public and University) in Combating Extremism and Deviant Intellectual Currents," investigates the potential of e-education to influence intellectual environments. In light of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, the study emphasizes the critical role that digital education plays in teaching ideals of moderation and intellectual security. The research, supported by robust statistical analysis and strategic insights, outlines a strategic roadmap providing insights for utilizing e-education in the fight against extremism.
The second manuscript, "The Effect of Hybrid Learning on Student Academic Success and Achievements in the UAE," offers a meta-analytical exploration of hybrid learning. The substantial influence of hybrid learning models on students' academic progress and accomplishments, particularly in the sciences, is demonstrated by examining fifty quantitative research findings. The results provide the UAE Ministry of Education with important insights into the critical role that hybrid learning plays in reshaping the academic landscape, and they also serve as an empirical basis for future educational policies.
Finally, the third manuscript, "Managing the Systems Approach to Develop Efficient and Effective Virtual Learning Environments," explores the complex interplay between virtual learning environments (VLE) and the Systems Approach (SA). This article examines how technology is incorporated into educational institutions and argues in favor of a modernized systems approach to manage and enhance virtual learning environments effectively. The research opens the door to developing effective Virtual Instructional Environments (VIE) for a successful educational system by addressing the difficulties in implementing these strategies in practical contexts.
We share these interesting papers with great appreciation to our contributors, reviewers, and readers. We hope the topics presented provide you with compelling and inspiring ideas and concepts that make a difference in transforming education locally, regionally, and globally.
Dr. Abdurrahman G. Almekhlafi
The International Journal of Excellence in Smart Learning

Published: 2024-02-15

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